April 23, 2008

Scrapbooking Layouts. Aging Paper for Scrapbook Layouts

Scrapbooking Layouts. Aging Paper for Scrapbook Layouts

Making your paper look aged or weathered is becoming a popular technique for scrapbookers. There are several ways you can make your cardstock or scrapbook paper look "aged".

One techique is to wad the paper into a ball and make it wrinkled. You can do this with dry paper or for a bolder impession mist your paper first. After you have wadded the paper in a ball unwrinkle the paper, let it dry and sand the inside with a fine grained sand paper. If you are using damp paper then you can iron the paper by covering it with towel and using the heat from the iron to dry your paper. This technique will set your creases and give the paper a sort of "weathered" look.

Sand paper can be used alone to sand off some of the color of on your paper, which will make it look "aged".

Texturizing your paper with dry embossing or other methods and then sanding the images can also give that "aged" image on your layouts.

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